QHSE Policy Statement
Continually striving for improvement

Policy Statement
The company is committed to ensuring that every aspect of the business is operated in a manner that ensures the highest possible safety standards & quality of products or services.
We will meet our HSE responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and associated legislation whilst also giving due consideration to all relevant environmental legislation & general requirements.
We are committed to uphold and continuously improve the stated quality objectives and requirements through conformance to the Quality Management System, which itself shall adhere to relevant International Standards ISO 9001:2015 and API Q1.
This will include, but not be limited to the following: (see bullet points below).
- Consultation with our employees on matters affecting their health & safety
- Provision of safe plant, equipment & handling / use of substances
- To strive for zero accidents or incidents hence protecting ourselves, others & the environment from harm
- Minimise pollution & prevent environmental damage
- Provision for adequate controls of the QHSE risks arising from our work activities
- Establishing & reviewing QHSE objectives for all areas of the company
- To provide information, training & supervision for employees in order to promote a positive QHSE culture
- Ensuring that all employees are competent to do their tasks by providing adequate QHSE training & support
- To continually strive for improvement within the QHSE management systems
- Effectively communicating this policy statement
- To review & revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals
- Supporting all employees in regards to their reasonability in understanding both this policy statement & all aspects of the QHSE Management Systems